Mark 12:38-44
As he taught, he said, ‘Beware
of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with
respect in the market-places, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places
of honor at banquets! They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance
say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.’
He sat down opposite the
treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich
people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper
coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them,
‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who
are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their
abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she
had to live on.’
Who has heard this story
before? What do you hear in it? For most churches, this passage
serves as an entry into Stewardship Season where pledges are pledged and
congregations hear about money in Scripture, usually for the first time all
year. Greed is examined as an un-Christian thing, and we are told that it
is the love of money that is the root of all evil. The pursuit of
wealth is frowned upon yet we are told to be generous in our giving.
Money, charity, and injustice are somehow tied together.
André Resner calls the
widow in today’s passage ‘the patron saint of stewardship Sunday,’ which
happens to be today in the United Church of Christ. She is raised up as
the model example of sacrificial giving. I have heard sermons that have
basically asked, "Why can’t we all be more like her? If we all just took
the money from our favorite Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Latte Frappachino Surprise one
time every week, we could raise our pledge dollars by so much and that would
bump the budget up to here and look at all the good stuff we could do as a
result – the widow, after all, gave everything so why can’t we?"
Do you see how that has nothing
to do with what Jesus wants us to see?
Beware of the scribes,
Jesus said; they devour widows’ houses. We are called to care for widows
and orphans in their distress (James 1:27); God said we are not to abuse any
widow or orphan (Exodus 22:22); the Lord upholds the orphan and the widow but
the way of the wicked is brought to ruin (Psalm 146:9). Widows and
orphans have a special place in God’s heart and therefore, their wellbeing
ought to inform our sense of justice.
Unlike the scribes in
today’s reading, our giving ought to sustain those who can ill afford to give
all that they have. We would preach against poverty, not encourage it.
Justice and charity need
each other. Charity, though, often falls short of providing essential
needs. Arthur Simon, founder of Bread for the World, once
pointed out that the two wealthiest districts in Manhattan have had more soup kitchens than
the two poorest districts simply because of where the donors, not the hungry
people, were located. Food banks can fill a hole but are unable on their
own to solve the persistent problem of hunger unless we also make changes to
public policy.
Jesus is not here to
praise the widow’s extreme giving; he is here to lament it. He is calling
us to be better stewards of both our financial resources and of our faith
community. The good news is that God sees what is really going on even
when no one else does. God is present for the widow and God will be
present for us as we begin the work of fulfilling our responsibilities to the
least among us. This, I think, is the primary purpose of the church.
Thank you for taking the "Patron Saint of Stewardship Sunday" off the pedestal, and for, in fact, demolishing the pedestal itself, and for reminding us where our responsibility really lies.